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Simple mod idea: Radio Tower


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I realise how selfish it looks to have an account with no forum activity and asking for a mod but I have honestly tried to make it myself with ... horrendous results.

I work too many hours and my wife seems to think my time should goto trivial things, like raising my kids xD. But in all seriousness, I would appreciate it, if this mod idea is easy enough if someone could give it a go.

What I was hoping to achieve was a way to add a buildable radio tower similar to the Castle's settlement radio.
Of course, instead of the classical radio, diamond city (or other if you're so inclined).

Reasoning; My settlements currently have 100's of mini diamond city radios put around to give the settlement a nice ambient sound that uses the engines reverberation.

I suppose, the tower itself is just an immersion thing and the meat and bones of what interests me most is increasing the radius of the radios audible range.


Thanks modders! If you do make it, hope it makes you popular!



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