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I want to build a house out of gold ingots


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Like the Inca's,did can someone create a mod for this plse?


In at lvl. 50 and collecting iron to transmute to gold to acquire Alt. perks and I noticed that all of the deposits respawned so I have over 1000 ingots and counting.


I was going to just amass a big pile of ingots and jewelry for fun , then I thought of this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That must have been very time consuming, i applaud your effort.


drop all that gold on the floor in as neat a manner as possible.

take a screenshot.

locate your specifiedhouse.texture

click save and overwrite. load into game and bam. gold textured house.


sorry bud I haven't a clue. goodluck.

I mean you can always donate that gold to charity or something. <3

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I once tried to fill the small tower room, at the back of Heljarchen Hall, with loose armor and weapons. Before it reached knee high, I was lagging so badly that I couldn't move. Loose ingots would become a serious problem. You could probably make a stacked ingot texture easily enough, but I don't know how realistic it would look, even with a strong normal map. If I was going to try that, I'd probably extract whatever structural piece meshes I wanted to use from the .bsa files, along with a gold ingot mesh. Copy the ingot branch over to the wall mesh, rotate, align, etc., then copy the next one, etc. It would be time consuming, but you could have a brickwork wall of actual gold ingots then, to snap into place as you see fit.


Unfortunately, this wouldn't leave much use for accumulated ingots, but I think it's the only viable way to keep the game playable.

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