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Can't save progress on mod

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I am trying to work on an update for my mod, when all of a sudden I load the mod back up into my creation kit, and I will hit the save button, but the next time I load it up the new work will not be there. This is really frustrating because it puts my mod at a standstill as far as progress goes, any suggestions on what could cause this.

Things I have already tried:

-Making sure I was logged into Bethesda.net

-Validating my Creation Kit install

-Reinstalling the Creation Kit

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Honestly? Unless you're doing something that needs the CK (like level editing or something), I'd just use FO4Edit.


Also stupid question, but hey, I've done worse things... You are making sure you are putting the file you want to edit as the active plugin right?


I know how you feel though. The stupid CK keeps removing my ESP files as masters for a plugin I'm trying to make (and no, I am not making my ESPs ESMs. That would cause a whole lot more trouble than it would solve in my case)... :yucky:

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