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Change Carla's Outfit in CK?

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This should be really simple, and AFAIK, I’m doing this correctly.


  1. Copied Carla’s record as override into a new esp in FO4Edit
  2. Select my new esp as the active mod in the CK
  3. Open Carla from the Object Window
  4. Change the default outfit in the actor window
  5. Add outfit items to inventory from the object window


The new outfit shows in the actor render window


When I save and push to PC and then load a game with my esp active, Carla’s outfit remains unchanged and she is missing the inventory items I added in the CK.


When i look at my esp in FO4Edit, all of the changes are there and should override Carla's record from fallout4.esm.


Did I miss a step somewhere?



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  On 7/27/2016 at 4:42 PM, zilav said:

Make sure you have the right esp active and there are no other plugins later in your load order that override the same records, like pevious versions of your own plugin.


Thanks Zilav. None of that was an issue. Plugin was active and last in my load order (and no other plugins that changed Carla).


I tried a few things with semi-success:


1. Ditched step 1 above and started directly in the CK

2. Loaded a save where my character wasn't in the same cell as Carla...changes show up when i find her at Drumlin Diner.

3. If i load another save where she is present in the cell (a settlement), the outfit changes don't show, but the face and body morphs do.



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