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Tavern Clothes Change Request


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Was hoping someone could tackle what I think would be fairly easy but not real sure mod request. When you look at the tavern clothes there is a dominant corset in the outfit. I was wondering if someone could simply delete everything but the corset part and make it its own outfit? A recolor to some a white, black or brown would be nice but no big deal. Does anyone think they can do something like this? Also if you could maybe replace it with studded armor to give it some AR value would be great. Edited by pogosmoke
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The developement team are all sexists !:( All clothes I find make me look like a kitchen slave, or a house cleaner. Never felt like actually unequipping my armor. Can't actually enjoy some time walking around the city, window shopping and take requests from people without my armor except if I walk around in panties that looks like diapers and a bra that squeezes my boobs into a somewhat square-ish form.. Yessir, I say; Bethesda, can you get your ass into gear and release the mod kit soon please !


I'm also surprised how little femininity we have as a woman in the game, running like a man, sprinting like a monkey. But hey, I guess patience is the key :)

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