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How my wife died.


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My eyes strained to focus in the light. I had been navigating the seemingly endless halls of Forelhost Stronghold for the last two hours. The search for a mask containing magical properties as well as a word of power was slowly driving me into madness. As i fought my way through what could only be described as a sea of the undead, all i could focus on was the warmth of my house back in Whiterun. The fire crackling softly in the living room, Camilla, my wife, slowly stirring dinner in a kettle above the flames. As the blood of my enemies ran down my blade my hunger grew. My hunger, for a homecooked meal. My anger intensified and the remaining few in my way saw my true form. I howled as my body erupted in fur. I let the final few still alive feel the fury of a hungry werewolf. The lich fell and the mask was mine. Outside stood the wall I had been searching for. The words inscribed on it called to me, but one screamed above the rest. I turned fromthe wall and looked out across the vast expanse before me. Snoflakes fell softly as my mind wandered to the first time I had met Camilla.

Her brother owned a shop in Riverwood. I was dragged into a battle between two would-be suitors fighting for her heart. I chose to side with Sven, because honestly.. who could ever love that pathetic elf Faendal. When i finally laid eyes on her, I couldnt speak. I handed her Svens letter, which made Faendal's chances with her dwindle to nonexsistence. But i couldnt let Sven have her either. I led that pompous ass out into the forest and slit his throat. I presented Camilla with a necklace from the temple of mara and she was mine.

The crashing of thunder awakened me from my daydreaming. A storm was coming, and across the land a woman was waiting for me to return home. I opened my map and fast travelled back home to Whiterun, not wanting to waste a second. As i watched the loading screen i wondered what dinner would await me. Alas! I was in Whiterun. I strolled up the street past Warmaidens to my house. I stopped dead in my tracks. Faendal was coming out of my house! Faendal, that ugly elf bastard had been with Camilla in my absence! Here i stand with the blood of a thousand dead on my armor, half dead and starving, wanting nothing more than a hot meal and a loving face and what do i recieve? Treachery. I breezed past that pointy eared homewrecker and into my home. Camilla acted loving as ever. My suggestion that we move to her house in Riverwood thrilled her. Obviously she was unaware that I knew of her little affair. She packed and left without a moment to spare. But i arrived in Riverwood first. By the time Camilla had walked into town everyone was talking about the werewolf that attacked just before her arrival. Apparently this werewolf ran into town and killed only one person before running off into the forest. Faendal's body was nothing but spatters of blood and shreds of meat. Heartbroken, Camilla ran into her house. I followed. Her brother was downstairs tending the shop, while his swine of a sister cried herself to sleep upstairs.

I slipped a shrouded cowl over my face as i crept up the stairs, her brother too preoccupied with some golden claw to take notice. There she lay, on the bed in the corner, fast asleep. The skill with which I snuck across the room would put even the great Nocturnal to shame. I could feel the warm embrace of the night mother as the Blade of Woe slid from its sheath. I had never dreamed it's deadly kiss would fall on the throat of my beloved. But fall it must, and fall it did. I walked outside and waded out into the nearby river. I dropped our rings into water and watched as the current swallowed them up.

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Damn what a dark mind... is it bad I'm impressed with this story >.>


No thats real... she cheated on me in whiterun. Therefore she had to die.



Really? good thing I married Muiri.... but she always looks at me strangely every time I come home.... Guess she knows what will happen if she cheats....

Edited by Kurogano
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Faendal and his visits are real, don't know if they happen anywhere but Riverwood though, it is possible, I would have just killed both suitors before I married the woman to prevent this happening.
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Ha ha, that's awesome! Not for you, I guess, but I love how deep Bethesda made this game. Now if they can just get the glitches and patch worked out. . .


Anyway, I married Brelyna Maryon. So far, she's been completely faithful. I've got my eye on J'Zhargo, though. Dirty Khajiit. . .

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Faendal and his visits are real, don't know if they happen anywhere but Riverwood though, it is possible, I would have just killed both suitors before I married the woman to prevent this happening.


Well i figured he would try to visit her if we stayed in Riverwood, thats why i moved her to Whiterun with me. Too bad for them i showed up when i did. In retrospect i should have killed Faendal and Sven when i first met them. Also, i dont know if its a bug or scripted but this isnt the first case of NPC's travleing that I've seen.

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They travel quite often, I just didn't really expect Faendal to travel that far to see her...it's a good thing I made him go to Skyhaven Temple now...that's much further from Riverwood, and all his previous obligations to the world ended when he gave the Blades his oath.
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They travel quite often, I just didn't really expect Faendal to travel that far to see her...it's a good thing I made him go to Skyhaven Temple now...that's much further from Riverwood, and all his previous obligations to the world ended when he gave the Blades his oath.


Well he's not doing much of anything in my game anymore.. lol.

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