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[REQ] Dragonbone Weapons


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As someone who is not interested in smoothing heavy armors, I'm a bit miffed that when it comes to weapons, I'm capped at Glass weaponry.


Could someone out there create a set of Dragonbone weapons? They should only be marginally better than Daedric (or the same as Daedric), and perhaps use a bone textured version of Deadric weapons .... simply for the purposes of getting something out there; additional model could be added later.


Anyone willing to take this on?

Edited by Lichbane
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I agree i would like dragonbone weapons. However they should be slightly worse than daedric, but lighter, as that's how dragonbone armor is.

i agree and they should look different then daedric, more like the dragonplate armor looks. the swords and daggers should just be sharpened bones, but the greatswords and battle axes and so on could be metal

Edited by DrakooSkyKing
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