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"High Thane" Mod?


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A mod that allows you to become "High Thane" (similar to Champion status in Oblivion) of Skyrim would be awesome. Basically, the requirements would be something like being Thane in every Hold and having won the civil war for either side. The reward to being "High Thane" could be a special weapon/armor set, and even a castle in the wilderness.


A modder could use any of Skyrim's old castles, and the player could be sent on a quest to clear it out, and subsequently purchase repairs, decorations, and even soldiers to man it from someone (perhaps their faction leader.)


I've heard some on another forum mention that the player-character should be granted "Jarl" status for winning the war, and while I think that ANYTHING should be possible in a TES game, even though it isn't, I think that a Champion-type title makes more sense for most characters, and they'd still get to own a castle, which would be sweet.


Obviously, the Construction Set needs to come out before any of this can happen, but I thought it sounded nice.


Basically, something like this NEEDS TO HAPPEN. That is all.

Edited by FalloutFreak123
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