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repacking loose files into a b2a properly


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i downloaded the "Wasteland 512 Textures Reloaded" mod by DarthAnimal. Because my 5830HD has to small VRAM for the typical replacers, now is the problem, with the old replacers (like fallout 4 optimized textures or vivid landscapes) i had the issue of textures degrading redicoulusly early because of short VRAM. Now my VRAM is ok but the texture are loading too slow, resulting in empty grids and 5-15 seconds breaks every 300m (~900ft). I hope i can fix that with a b2a file, but apparantly i've never done this before.

I know from the B.A.E page, that there are general and texture b2a files, but i lack the knowledge to properly implement that (maybe with an .esp?)


I would buy a new Graphics Card, but money is a serious issue...


Puhleese halp...

Edited by Thaneize
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