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Violet/purple eyes


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Hello, everyone. I'm looking to create a dragonborn according to George R.R. Martin's description of the Valyrians(Targaryens) from A Song of Ice and Fire.


"The phrase "blood of the dragon" refers to a number of typical Targaryen features: silvery-gold (or platinum) hair and violet eyes"

http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Targaryen - A wiki of Ice and Fire, House Targaryen


Since the toolset hasn't been released yet(right?), I'm not certain how this works, if it's possible to add new eye colors, or if old ones must be replaced. Either way, if someone has the time, will and know-how to add violet eyes to the human races, that would be fantastic.


Thanks in advance!

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Yes, I think that would be cool for your character to have gold hair, violet eyes.


...But to the Imbocile that said that the Dragon born didn't have dragon blood, shame on you!

read the diologue you moron, that's how you can do the thu'um!


So I'm an imbecile because I know that the Dragonborn has a dragon soul, not a dragon's blood - since if it were dragon's blood, then an entire bloodline of Dragonborns would follow through from the first Dragonborn to the current, since there was only ever the one? Huh. Good to know.

Edited by Terralventhe
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