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Game of the Year?


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@ Farem and Dan3345: It would crash whenever I walked out of the world cell I was in, regardless of which save I used, or if I fast traveled somewhere else. After another couple hours of mucking around with the 4gb loader and redoing my ini files, I think I've got my problems licked. I'll know for sure after a few hours of game play.


Man I was looking forward to drinking a few beers and playing into the wee hours of the morning, last night. As a single parent on a rotating shift at work, I don't often get the opportunity to just sit and play, and last night was that opportunity. I was pretty darn mad that it was taken away from me. Hopefully those problems are behind me now, and I can continue to enjoy the game from here on out. It was just running so well and was such a let down when they screwed it up. Let's hope the next patch fixes some issues, rather than creating more. Cheers.


Glad to hear you've managed to fix the problem but this statement is clearly not true. 51 hours of play in 11 days would indicate you get ample opportunities to sit and play. Jokes...

Hehe. Busted! Perhaps I should have said I don't get the opportunity for uninterrupted, immersive play. LOL

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Ok, wait a second... You're complaining about this making people dependant? The same people who are dependant on companies to produce video games in the first place? The same people who are dependant on jobs to make the money so they can buy the games from the companies they are dependant on to make them? What about the counter dependancy, where the companies need to access the largest possible communtiy, in the easiest manner, in order to make enough money to continue making games said community wants?


The dependancy is part of the industry. Hell, its part of every industry, every community, every society. Programs like Steam, Impulse, Xbox-Live, PS-Network, B.net and so forth are all part of streamlining that codependancy. If you want to be so doggedly independant you shouldn't be buying videogames, using the internet or even living in this society (Though the Conservatives/Republicans don't seem to understand the socio-economic concept of community).


You seem to be faulting a company, in this case Steam, for making the codependant Consumer-Designer dynamic easier on both parties. The consumer can get his game anywhere he has internet, doesn't have to lug around the cd's, doesn't have to answer annoying and time consuming serveys, and the designer saves costs on cd production, reaches more consumers, and gets feedback without having to annoy the consumer base.


The only issue i see with these programs and products is that the cost usually has no differance. Yes, Steam offers deals, but without the cost for production of the hard copy, their products should be ~10% lower.


Uh what are you talking about with Republicans being anti-community... and why bring it up here.

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