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Question about CS and patching...


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Hello guys, this is my first post here..


Question 1:

If i patch the CS to version 1.2.404 from it's first version, do i also have to update the game in order any mods made in the patched CS worked with the game?


Question 2:

What is the difference between:





Question 3:

In order to patch to v.1.2, where can i find the needed files by the patcher (Oblivion.exe,Oblivionlauncher.exe and i think there is one else)?

Don't ask why do i need them, just tell me if it is possible to find them anywhere except of the original cd...


Thanks in front..!! :thanks:

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The question is really about benefit verses cost. Unless you're using SI as well, or are using a mod which requires 1.2 to be installed, you're best off using 1.1 patch and the original CS. The real problem with 1.2 is that it breaks alot of things in game as well as within the CS. Even though some of these were fixed, many things remain broken. Without SI 1.2 really only adds a few more scripting functions, and a few engine changes that most probably don't even notice. Additionally, any mods made in 1.2 will not work with anyone who doesn't have that specific patch version without adjustments. Mods made with 1.1 can be used by those with 1.1 and 1.2, so tend to be a better choice community wise. 1.1 also doesn't have as many issues as 1.2 while still fixing some of the issues which are present in 1.0.


The patch downloads can be found on some of the 3rd party sites which handle Oblivion downloads.


You will however need the game disk to upgrade your game to any patch. This was done probably to discourage usage of a pirated game, or any noCD cracks.

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