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REQUEST: Family Cottage and Farm (Player home mod)


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EDIT: Nvm I got impatient and decided to learn how to mod and make this myself. I still don't know how to do some things like plumbing, relockable doors, a working well, etc. so any help with that would be much appreciated!


I've been searching and searching for a player home to fit my needs but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. If anyone is interested in making something like this I'd be extremely grateful. :smile:



- Small-to-medium size (two-story, plus basement or attic)

- Located near Whiterun or Riften

- Hearthfire compatible

- Multiple adoption friendly (aka, room for up to 6 children's beds)

- Minimal clutter and NO STATICS (I like to place my own clutter with Jaxonz Positioner)

- Quaint style, vanilla flavor (aka, not a lot of fancy-shmancy, exotic-type decor)

- LARGE fenced/walled pasture with gate and stable (I like to collect large herds of horses)

- Smaller pen with cows/goats (separate from horses... my horses like to kick and kill other livestock O.o)

- Chicken coop

- Plantable soil

- Some sort of dog kennel/doghouse for all my dogs

- Whiterun-ish style architecture

- Follower accomodations (in the main house or separate house, either one is fine. or both)

- Crafting stations (inside or outside, I don't care)


Other features that would be nice, but not necessary:

- A well that works with Realistic Needs and Diseases (i.e. you can get water from it)

- Lockable gates/doors (the Cliffside Cottage mod allows this by clicking on the key in your inventory)

- A bath/washroom with running water

- Real Shelter patch for stable/dog kennel/etc.

- Clear windows


Things I do NOT want:

- Statics (again, lol)

- Auto-sorting

- Themed storage


Just throwing this out there in case anyone feels like making something like this!

Edited by EliFoxFly
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