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Found an Ultra fast Sneak and Level Exploit


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Wow I created an Kajiit character today because I wanted to play a bit sneaky :D I chose Hadvar at the beginnig and followed him trough the caves etc, then in the Bears cave he just sits around and waits for you to sneak or kill the bear. On this spot I accidently hit him with my Knife and I noticed he didnt get angry so I hit him again, he has much hp and regs very fast you can just sneak behind him and hit him all the time I am now Level 8 and have 55 Sneak skill in approximately 10-15 minutes o.O. Very nice exploit, you level your one handed skill at the same time and enter Skyrim at the Level and sneak skill you want^^ makes the assassin/thieves life in the first levels MUUUUCH easier ;) Don't know if somebody found this before me, but I thought I should share something like that xD^^



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That's a great find...but sadly I won't be making a new character for a long, long time...so I won't be using said exploit. :/
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The problem is, your new character has to re-discover all the locations. I was going to start a mage, and join the College of Winterhold, but after a couple of quests telling me to go to the arse end of nowhere, I hopped back onto my archer and shouted my way into the College.
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