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Hotkeys HUD


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Could anyone make a HUD for hotkeys quick cast? Basically have the 1-9 keys on the bottom of the screen having the spell or item icon on them. This way you can always see whats on your hotkeys and when you push lets say 1 it will cast flare.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it may be easier for the hotkey mods to add this HUD on their additional hotkeys than to have it display for the standard hotkeys. Maybe somebody knows how to query the standard hotkeys for their content, but I've never found it.


If someone can create a mod that displays spell icons in a hud, I would definitely be interested in incorporating it into my "Quick Clothes and Spells" mod. Unfortuantely, I'm only a scripter and don't know how to do that type of thing.


Several hotkey mods use a chord with a mode key held followed by tapping a number. What would be really cool is if pressing the mode key popped up the HUD then it would fade away when released.

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