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Another wishlist


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I've been looking around for a bit and I'm actually unsure about a couple of things, so I thought about writing it down here, part wishlist, part discussion.


I've been thinking about a couple of tools I though of as necessary back in Oblivion, and I do hope they will be rewritten for Skyrim as well.




Oblivion Script Extender, of course only if it is necessary as I have no idea of what will be possible with the CK.

E: I just found this Thread, so there will probably be a SKSE

E: Also new Thread.


Wrye Bash, Oh, how many hours I spent with this tool, it was glorious. I did find this Topic on the bethsoft forums, but it remains to be seen if it lives up to the expectations.


Streamline, which definitely helped increase my computers performance big time.


Oblivion Mod Manager, of course for Skyrim as well, although I didn't use it that much, considering Wrye Bash was the tool I mainly used.

E: I just read about the NMM, although I'm not entirely sure if this includes Skyrim.

E: Zeitdruck provided this link, so there will be a Mod Manager.


Of course I await some other mods, but I'm sure there'll be a bombardment of new mods as soon as the CK is released.


So, what are your thoughts on those tools, I'm sure that a lot of people would welcome some, if not all of them.

Also, if you found any news on any one of those tools, I'd be grateful if you could link them ;)

Edited by Slpy
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