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Useful HUD display


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I know this will probably divide players, but I think the HUD is way too minimalist.


When I'm riding a horse and an enemy appears I have to sprint ahead of the enemy so I don't get hit before I have enough time to:


1. Get off the horse because there is no damn horse combat.

2. Check I'm running and not walking

3. Ready my weapons/check my sword and shield are equipped


I'd like a HUD that shows me the status of 2 and 3, all the time. If you're in first person mode you can forget what weapon you have equipped or whether you are walking or running during sneak mode. If takes time to scroll out to third person mode to check your equipped weapons, or sometimes, it's too dark to see. It's a pain and immersion breaker to keep opening menus to double-check things.


So what I'm looking for is icons that represent whether you are in walk or run, and stand or crouch mode. And also, which weapons you have equipped.

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