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A sexy/slutty power armor


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armor is supposed to cover flesh, but whatever.. that is not popular I know..


True, but armor can protect without looking stupid, If you're PA frame has a simple extension (bump) on the inside female characters (piper, cait, curie) would not squish when entering the power armor. I use a female PC and I always thought that the frame simply needed a small adjustment. The Power Armor torso's all have gaps for females but the frame is missing the bump needed. Sorry if I rant a bit but I've noticed this with Bethesda before, the female armors look just like the male armors with maybe a tiny adjustment for the bust. Anyway I would appreciate a modder adjusting the PA frame to be more female but not ridiculously so.

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  • 3 months later...

always did wonder about how the internal body suspension worked in fo4 power armors......was there a fitted internal body??? which would make the armor more personalized and only usable by a certain range of body types and sizes....

nope in fo4 anyone can jump into any armor.......so why are we having a lady bumps discussion other than to pass the time and annoy the fanboys

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