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BFG Projectiles

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Hey guys.


I've been looking over the scripts. I'm not sure, but is there a way to attach a second projectile to your existing projectile without overriding it? Have that second projectile leap out from your first projectile as it passes by enemies and strike at them?


This is something I want to make similar to the BFG's projectile seen in DOOM.

Something goes like this

1. You shoot. Your plasma projectile slowly travels compared to other projectiles.

2. When your projectile passes by, near the enemies, the lightning arc jumps out of the projectile, just like electrical traps' arc.

3. When your projectile impacts a target or against an object, like a wall, it explodes.


Something similar to what's shown in TheRelaxingEnd's DOOM(BFG9000) video at 2:21.


I figure it's to do with the scripts.

What I already got:

> My version of a slowed down plasma projectile

> My version of the electric projectile with bouncing explosion

> Magic Effect that shocks your targets and causes their bodies to explode after death.

What I'm doing:

> Studying the trap arc scripts to have them apply to projectile so when the enemy is within range, it'll get attacked by the lightning arc.

> Looking into projectile scripts.

I'm just wondering if anyone else here has experience with scripts, especially related to the projectiles.

Also I would like to know if this thing is possible.


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