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Brynjolf and Karliah as marriage options!


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  • 5 months later...

Er... i'm not totally sure of this,but i thought that by opening game console,clicking an NPC and entering the line addfac 19809 could make the clicked NPC marriable and that this works with ALL non-aggersive NPC's

Sorry if i'm wrong :P

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No, addfac only works if the NPC in question has the correct voice type (one with recorded marriage dialogue). It takes some extra work to make a character with a unique voice, such as Brynjolf or Karliah, into a follower or spouse. However, it is possible. I've created a mod with Brynjolf & Vex as followers: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13059 and I'm very close to releasing Karliah as a follower as well (hopefully this weekend).


It does take a while to get the dialogue right while making it both appropriate to the situation and remaining true to their character. I am planning to make them marriable next, but it's going to involve a different quest from the normal marriage quest... after all, a ceremony in the temple of Mara just won't do for these devotees of Nocturnal. :-)

Edited by kryptopyr
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