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Deleted mods are still active


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I think I deleted my f4 mods the wrong way


I went to my f4 mods file and deleted them there cause I though it would be too much of a hustle to delete them all in NMM one by one, but then when I re open NMM it asked me these question to uninstall the mods (I forgot, but all I remember was it asking me yes or no) and now when I got into the game I noticed that there are some old mods still in my game even tho they are not in my NMM lists. I should've disable them all first before deleting them, but mistakes we're made.


Is there a way to find those old mods and delete them?

Sorry for english

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when you enter NMM and it asks you to uninstall the mods, just answer *No* to each of the prompts

this should uninstall the mods properly


now, if you've just deleted them from the folder, and didn't empty the recycle bin, you can just restore the files


however, it sounds to me like you didn't remove the mods from the game folder, if you still have the mods in the game


as a last resort, if you can't remove the mods properly, just reinstall the game, this should be the easiest way to do this

do note that it is not wise to uninstall mods mid play, do try your best to avoid this


hope this helps, but do tell if it isn't sufficient help

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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