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Affinity bug details - seems random on all platforms since release


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(None of the other posts I've seen here actually break down the problem, so here's my attempt at clarifying the issue. And yes, it's been reported to Bethesda and acknowledged, but so far their response is basically along the lines of, "Dude, that sucks; we don't know what's causing it, and haven't seen it happen ourselves, but we'll keep looking into it.")


The bug: Companions neither gain nor lose affinity, regardless of actions taken, and regardless of wait time between actions. Once the bug happens with one companion--and it can do so at any point in the game--it hits all of them, without exception. It can manifest as early as Codsworth, thus keeping you from ever gaining any affinity with any companion.



Normally, when you recruit a companion, they immediately gain 40 affinity. With this bug, affinity remains at its current level--in this case zero--and cannot be raised or lowered except through console commands. This also means no companion quests unless triggered by console for each stage, and no companion perks, unless given by console. Also none of the usual companion comments relating to actions. If you already have an affinity rating with one or more companions, that rating will be frozen at its current level.


(And again, this affects ALL companions, and levels freeze for all of them at once--it's not a matter of the quest-locked affinity plateaus some companions have.)


What we know it's NOT:

We know it's not a mod issue, because it occurs seemingly at random on all platforms, and on both "clean" and modded games. It's also not the new cooldown times--this was happening long before the update that increased cooldown times, and besides, increased cooldown times don't prevent you from gaining affinity ever with any compion--they just make it take longer to raise affinity to max.


Seeking a solution:

Various people have reported that one or more of the following fixed the problem in their current game, but many have reported that even after attempting some or all of these, the only way they could fix it was to start a new game and cross their fingers. None of the below "fixes" work reliably, so it may be a case of mistaking correlation for causation.


Solutions tried so far with varying degrees of success and failure:

  • Reverting to an earlier save
  • Trashing all saves and starting over
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the Unofficial Patch
  • Re-verifying files through steam
  • Completely deleting the entire game, including preference files and mods, and starting over from scratch (but especially considering it doesn't work every time, that's a bit extreme)


So that's that. Anyone have a solution, or able to steer me where I should look for one?

Edited by drhamm
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This has happened to me on 3 different play trough"s nothing I did or knew how fixed the issue. Now once it happened the first time I went back to an older save where, I knew it was working as superpose to and it no longer worked. So I switched to a different character that I knew that affinity was working and that save also stopped working. So I started a new game and have not had the issue yet! and I've unlocked all the companions to max affinity. Now since the last patch and the last unofficial FO4 patch Curie has reverted back to zero affinity and her original outfit, with none of the gear I had previously given her. So I took her as a companion and it popped up Curie tolerates you, So I went off and did some things Curie likes and then I get a popup that Curie Admires me. so I fast travel a few times and she never starts any dialog. I go off and do more things Curie Likes and get the popup that she idolized me. So then I go do Vault 88 and she sticks to me like glue while in build mode. Well I remove a floor shes standing on and she falls to her death!! so I went back to a save before I re did her affinity and haven't tried her as a companion since.


One more thing That's not fixed is in my last 4 play troughs, I haven't received MM radiant quests not from Preston, not from radio freedom, not from the settlements, no radiant MM quests What so ever!! I even have a Mod that ups the chance to receive a MM radiant quest by 95% and still nothing.

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