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[LE] MCM entry in all capital letters?

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So I have several fields in my MCM menu and for some reason one of those entries (Soul Gems) shows up as SOUL GEMS in all caps all the time. I have searched the script and there are no caps entries anywhere. I can't for the life of me figure out why it's doing this. It does the same thing on another of one my MCM menu scripts and lists one of my sub menus in all caps when it shouldn't any idea what could be causing this?

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It's the game's string cache. It stores a single, case insensitive version of all strings used in the game and the first version used wins the capitalization contest.


The solution if you're making an MCM menu is to use the SKSE localization feature although some people try to cheat by using trailing spaces to get a string that isn't already in the cache.


The localization system has the advantage of putting all of the text used in a script in a single file which makes it easy for doing translations into other languages.


It's documented on the MCM Advanced Features page of the SkyUI Wiki.

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