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No same sex Flirting


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I don't think it's homophobic to not want to get hit on by the sex you aren't interested in. Most lesbians I know would rather avoid being hit on by guys.


It's not like the OP is asking for a defense of marriage mod.


But you know what there should be? Big gay wedding mod. With rainbow flags and everything.

Edited by Logiwink
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Homophobia doesn't exist. It's just the gays who can't take constructive criticism, who call the people that dislike or hate them homophobes without any objective argument. Furthermore, "phobia" implies fear. gays give themselves too much credit. It's not fear, it's disgust.


Back on topic, I'd like to see this mod, as well.


Strike issued for posting condescending and inflamatory editorial. You should have stuck to "Back on topic..." --TNL

Edited by Thandal
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Take it off. Duhhh.. not your clothes you perv.. the amulet.





Homophobia doesn't exist. It's just the gays who can't take constructive criticism, who call the people that dislike or hate them homophobes without any objective argument. Furthermore, "phobia" implies fear. gays give themselves too much credit. It's not fear, it's disgust.


Back on topic, I'd like to see this mod, as well.



Look up antipathy



Last edit.. I swear.


It isn't as if it is a big deal to take off the stupid amulet.. when you buy it, or inquire about it.. or look up any information about marriage or the amulet.. it is made VERY clear.


Nordic courtship: You help someone, they have positive feelings for you.. You put on amulet as a mating call to let everyone know you are available for them to have. They comment, you consent.. it is really straight forward. I don't even wear the amulet most of the time.


I laugh at most homosexual game scenes I see. In dragon age 2 I laughed my balls off when that elf turned out to be gay and was all up flirting with me. I went all the way just so I could have some more laughs, then married the female elf.


Being disgusted by looking at a fictional character that you are playing as be hit on by another male is not disgusting.. it is awkward, perhaps.


I have a feeling you all are just afraid of your friends walking in and seeing you in that situation, not laughing at it.. looking all serious.. and them thinking your a closet case. Face it that is homophobia, if it is uncontrollable disgust, it is still homophobia that falls under the antipathy category.

Edited by Sagenth
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Homophobia doesn't exist. It's just the gays who can't take constructive criticism, who call the people that dislike or hate them homophobes without any objective argument. Furthermore, "phobia" implies fear. gays give themselves too much credit. It's not fear, it's disgust.


Back on topic, I'd like to see this mod, as well.


Woah. You're a bigot.

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Perhaps there could be a mod in which you can actually set your characters preference to avoid unwanted advances by either sex. My Khajiit is female and only interested in females, for example, and getting hit on by boys would be slightly awkward for her. Then again, irl it's not exactly like you can look at someone and know they're straight/gay/etc.


So it's really a personal preference. Not something I'd use, but others might find it useful.

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