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No same sex Flirting


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I gotta be honest here.. I'm finding those who are slamming the OP and those who agree with him to be far more bigotted. So what, someone's a bigot and a homophobe if they don't enjoy the idea of a guy walking up to them and grinding up against them or flirting with them? I guess that means any woman who doesn't enjoy it is just a total femnazi and a manhater then, huh? I got nothin' against gays whatsoever, but I wouldn't like it if one of them just suddenly approached me and started hitting on me - it'd make me uncomfortable, because I'm not into men. That doesn't make me a bigot, or a homophobe, that makes me someone who doesn't like having someone else's gender preferances shoved in my face.


Or what, are you the kinda guys who would be down with it if some latex-wearing scat fetishist walked up to you, unzipped the mouth part of his gimp mask, licked his lips and said, "Mmm, you know what? You'd look good covered in my feces." I'm fairly certain most of you wouldn't enjoy that at all. And before anyone says it isn't remotely similar: wrong. It is the exact same thing. It's someone else forcing their own sexual preferances and interests on you, unasked. Hell, today's modern Western society is less homophobic and more heterophobic than anything else, because anyone who doesn't like the idea of being hit on by the same gender is suddenly villified and turned into some bigotted monster.


Hilariously enough, furries are the most guilty of this - nothing is more hilarious than a furry artist who is popular for doing gay artwork, but then because they felt like drawing something hetero for a change or, god forbid, something that had a BOOB in it, their entire fanbase turns on them and calls them anti-gay and starts violently insulting them. It's really quite sad.

Edited by Terralventhe
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It's a mod, if someone wants one and someone is willing to make one for them, that's fine by me. It's their game and they should be entitled to have fun in it. Even as a person who doesn't care who's hitting on my character, I found the lack of eligible bachelors odd in the game, almost every woman I bumped into as a woman wanted my lovings, but darned if I could find a single guy.


As I said, if he wants it and someone wants to make it for 'em, go for it. It's not an MMO, so who cares?

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It's a mod, if someone wants one and someone is willing to make one for them, that's fine by me. It's their game and they should be entitled to have fun in it. Even as a person who doesn't care who's hitting on my character, I found the lack of eligible bachelors odd in the game, almost every woman I bumped into as a woman wanted my lovings, but darned if I could find a single guy.


As I said, if he wants it and someone wants to make it for 'em, go for it. It's not an MMO, so who cares?




My words.


I aint no homophobe, first time I even hear that word lol.


Just feels wierd when the hairy badass lookin Vikings hit on me, it kinda ruins the mood I was currently in :P


Anyway, was just a suggestion to a mod I would like to see.

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Mod is already done, and programmed into the game

Take off the worthless amulet..its 10% better restoration..big whoop...the only amulet worth anything is the talos one, the rest you can enchant with whatever you want..hell, a crappy enchantment with a petty soul gem will give you better stats on a necklace or whatever than the mara amulet.


So...want to stop the gay advances in your game? its simple then...stop being gay and take off the useless amulet (as mentioned already by others, but just felt the need to also add my 2 cents)

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