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Improved favorites menu....other


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Few ideas I had to improve the favorites menu, this is a pain especially as you get into the higher levels as a mage:


Making the menu two columns wide

Make it so two items can be bound to the same hotkey, and for bonus points have it remember what goes in what hand. (e.g. I could save my 1h sword and my 1h mace to the number 1 key, and when I hit 1 it puts them in the correct hands)

Making an either sorted or separate favorites menu for mages. This could as simple as inserting headers like "Flame Spells" and having everything from Flames to flame shield listed under it. Or even school based headers like Destruction and restoration.

And for extra extra credit making it so I could insta bind to my extra buttons on my mouse by hovering and clicking like you do with the favorites already.


Thank you to anyone that takes up the challenge ;)

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