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Wyrmstooth "Legalities"


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Selfish? right because he had the obligation to share it, oh, wait, he didn't.

Yes, that is how copyright works wether you like it or not, feel free to ask a lawyer or just google, i don't have the need to prove it lol. Or do i have to prove how gravity works? i'll see if i have some apples around...

So good luck stealing it and uploading to steam workshop, it will eventually be removed and you'd have achieved nothing but making evident to the world your lack of decency and respect to other's work.

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your right.. I dont care about some random who made a awesome mod and decided to be selfish and remove it from society.. and no that is not how copyright works if thats the case how can you prove it is actually his. unless there is a type of solid authenticity then it is file on the internet with an unknown creator. But I do have all the files including the source to it.. and plan to upload to steam workshop very soon :smile:


You might want to brush up on your copyright law knowledge.


Start with some of the things noted here:



TL;DR: Jonx0r created the file - It's his, and he has full copyright control over it.


I expect people will be reporting your steam workshop upload as soon as it appears. You want to be a thief, then expect to be treated like one.

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After taking some time to read a little more about copyrighting I see you are correct. But as far as proving authenticity it would be very difficult for the creator as we only know him as his nexus username and not his actual name which is sorta what he would need to prove which would be quite difficult for him at this stage expecially since no one knows him in any other form and he no longer exists here. Maybe I am thinking a little f*#@ed up but it was a great mod and its just stupid that its not still being shared for the greatness it was. It's not like anyone is trying to make money off it, it was free to begin with so the Fair use clause could be claimed in technicality

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so what of the Wyrmstooth required mods.. were all mods that made wyrmstooth better also taken down or are they allowed to be published? obviously all these mods would fall into somewhat of a Derivative Works infringment yes?

those mods are still there because they had the authorization from the author but are obviously useless without the mod itself. Anyway someone can always share the mod in private if they want to but it cannot be published.

Edited by Project579
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Fair use would come AFTER the hypothetical lawsuit afaik but what is and what isn't fair use goes beyond what i know. Comercial or non-comercial use probably is important there but i don't think is just that. Proving he is the author would be rather easy in his computer, you have dates of file creation, additional files used as part of the development process and such that would work. Copyright stuff doesn't require as much proving as say killings anyway and this thread would be a proof against you i'd say.


But again all that would go after an actual law conflict starts, first would come reporting on the site is uploaded, a dmca notice, etc. I doubt anyone plans to go to court for this.


I guess the author allowed the authors of those mods to make theirs if they use part of wyrmstooth. But a mod that requires wyrmstooth doesn't necessary require any part of wyrmstooth, it can be a full original work made for wyrmstooth, which wouldn't be a derivative i suppose.


In any case, if the author said share it privately but not publish it, why not just respect that?

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