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Modding FAQ: How to...?


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We don't actually know what Skyrim's scripting language is yet. Someone a bit more knowledgeable about this can correct me, but... people have only been making edits to items in the game by cutting and pasting snippets of code, and changing item IDs etc. We actually have to wait for the creation kit to come out before we can start doing anything fancier.


Sorry I can't help more, I mainly put this together for people really really new to modding who just wanted a place to start.

Edited by CampanaAliquanta
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Thank you for the link, i will check it out.


The thing i want to do, is a proper solution for respec. Like the one for Dragon age Origins.

There is a potion, what you need to drink, and you can spend your points again.


That's what i wanted to do here, and it would look something like this:


I saw in an earlier mod, that if you put console commands in a file, you can run it from the Skyrim-console like "bat filename"


So I would make a script file like this:


1.) Count the current perk-points of the player (or just get the level-1 value)

2.) Reset all the perks (player.removeperk ...)

3.) And finally add level-1 perk-points wich the player can spend again.


If it is done, make a new potion, and add this script as the effect.

That's the plan. That's why i asked, about the scripting :)

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Suggested bedtime reading:


http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1292671-rel-script-dragon/ (this is currently broken by the patch, and needs to be updated)


If you can't find the answers you need, start a new topic here, and if you find out the answer I'll add it to this FAQ :tongue:

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I don't think you can do that just with just the texture file, you have to edit the mesh as well by adding an alpha layer to it in nifscope.


I have figured out how to make part of the mesh invisible: create an alpha channel in the NIF for the mesh I want to change and cover the part of the texture in the alpha chan in the dds file. In NIFSkope - Do not check enable blending - Source: Src Alpha - Destination: InvSrcAlpha - Treshold: 128


Tutorial for editing meshes: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/478312-tutorial-3ds-max-skinned-meshes-into-game/


Edit: more info on nifscope - http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/NifSkope_Alchemy

Edited by CampanaAliquanta
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I downloaded and installed both the "Old FOMM" and the "New FOMM with New Vegas" files but they keep asking me for the fall out directory, which I don't have.. I don't have fall out.


I also can't find the BSA Viewer in the start menu or the installed directory.


I am using windows 7, in case that might help :)


Edit: Never mind, I'm an idiot.

I unchecked the extra right click menu option when I was installing it. >_>

Edited by TwistingSky
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