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Jump while shooting/Sprinting?


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I was wondering if it were possible to make a mod where you can jump while you shoot and/or sprint, I love mods but have 0 knowledge on the subject when it comes to making one or I would do it myself lol



Question though, is it like Dead Island where you just open up the data files in winrar, find the file you want, paste it into notepad and edit it from there via discerning the code?

Edited by Rag3Train
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I was wondering if it were possible to make a mod where you can jump while you shoot and/or sprint, I love mods but have 0 knowledge on the subject when it comes to making one or I would do it myself lol



Question though, is it like Dead Island where you just open up the data files in winrar, find the file you want, paste it into notepad and edit it from there via discerning the code?



Jump while shooting, no way! Jump with an arrow knocked.. sure.

Being able to do that would save time on reknocking an arrow, thus letting you shoot the arrow sooner after jumping.


Search construction set or creation kit for skyrim on google. That will lead you the places you need to go.


To sum it up though, Bethesda releases "construction sets" (a modding tool) for their previous games. You load .esp and .esm files into there. The .esm files are the main databases that contain allllll of the important data that you want to change or add to.


The .esp files are the files that hold the revisions to the main database. You open the main and make your changes, or add scripts or do whatever your doing (contains: scripts, items, npcs, etc)(it doesn't hold textures or models as far as I've been able to tell with Oblivion) so you make whatever modifications and save it as an esp file.


Often times esp files change similar things in the database, then you must decide which mod has made better alterations and load it last(or after the other) in your mod list.

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