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"0" Rad Indoors


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Hi All,


I want to be rad free in an indoor setting where all windows and holes are repaired or closed off from the environment. If the home is fixed, it could then be marked as safe.

I would also like to see the settlers rush to their safe homes in the event of an attach on the settlement so they are out of the cross fire of the assigned defense, turrets, robots, and settlers assigned to defense stations.

You would have a few minutes to assess the damages before they resume work activities.


Doesn't it make sense if you are sleeping in your happy home that it should be rad free if that home is closed to the outside making you safe from the rad storms??? Having the ability to make your home safe from both environment and anything life threatening is what I thought these settlement builds were about.


Creating a safe place to start both yours and the settlers new lives!! This a great idea!! Our Safety is Primary!



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I too would love to see something along these lines. However, it may not be possible with the engine and such, sadly.


There's plenty of mods out there that allow one to build a rather nice, sealed-looking house, however, and it's not too far of a stretch to imagine how even a small shack would be able to have rad-proofed areas.


See: NBC Air Filtration Systems for bomb shelters. Example: http://www.americansaferoom.com/nbc-air-filters/

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The rads from storms are mostly applied by a spell, iirc. I don't think spells have an option to be blocked by LOS in the same way that you can do using explosions. Also, as the rads are not particles like rain, you can't block rads using occlusion. Edited by steve40
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