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Name of Blue-Scale because of the tint to his scales, Argonian mage. Focus in all magic and enchanting with destruction being highest.


Just finished speaking to the greybreads lol. Have a Horse named Frost and his papers lol kinda neat.


Also Argonian FTW!

Edited by Romulus0017
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Aragorn, Nord, fights for the Legion.

Level 37, With Two-Handed and Heavy Armour at 100, Sneak 60+, Archery 40 or 50. Smithing is high too but I forgot where it's at now. I only did smithing to improve my armour. Invested absolutely nothing, nada, nichts, zip, zero in casting or the like.

Basically an Imperial Commando project. Suffers badly when going head-on against mages, especially in wide open spaces. Once he gets within slapping range, however....

Edited by nitevision92
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Name: Shansi Mahariel (my toon from LOTRO/DAO)

Level: 28

Race: Imperial

Top 3 skills: Archery, Sneak and Destruction , i love 1 shot`ing people with my combo :D



How does that work? Combo meaning combination (more than one) and 1 meaning... well... ONE

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Name: Merkab


Race: Wood Elf Lvl. 33


Archer-Enchanter-Blacksmith annd one-handed - double axe weilding decapitating highness


80%+ 4/5 One handed Dmg. bonus bleeding 2/3 Axe perk system, -25% stamina usage, and sprint/power-hit critical dmg. bonus


80%+ 4/5 arching Dmg. bonus, 2/3 15% chance of a 25%+ critical hit


Able to improve enchanted weapons.


AND 4/5 80% Heavy Armor perk system with 25% less stagger, AND I am in the process of perking up the restoration tree.




Edit: This Elf is built more for full frontal assault oppossed to my recon high elf.

Edited by scatlm
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Just had to show my favorite character build so far.




Khali Khajit Female lvl 30


Primary skills : Sneak , One handed , Conjuration

Secundary skills : Alchemy , pickpocket , Light armor

stone ability : Shadow stone


Favorite Perks : Stealth , backstab , assasins's blade , armsman , dual flury , dual savagery , mistic binding , adept conjuration

Favorite Shouts : Aura whisper , Disarm , Elemental fury , Throw Voice

Favorite Magic : Bound sword , Bound Bow


Favorite Potions : Damage Health , Invisibility , restore health , restore stamina



When i approach a bandit camp i usually start off scouting the area using my aura whisper. First i take out the enemy archers and wizzards using my bound bow.


Then i take care the rest of the mobs 1 by 1 with my bound swords. If i get caught i use my stone ability or drink a invisibility potion. If that fails i use my other shouts like elemetal fury and disarm to quickly get out of harms way.


Works like a charm everytime give it a try once !!




Edited by sinoko82
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Name: Shansi Mahariel (my toon from LOTRO/DAO)

Level: 28

Race: Imperial

Top 3 skills: Archery, Sneak and Destruction , i love 1 shot`ing people with my combo :D



How does that work? Combo meaning combination (more than one) and 1 meaning... well... ONE

level archery 100 and sneak you get a x3 crit :D

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