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Seriously, I need to ask (RE: The intro)


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For me, there wasn't much thought to it. In a chaotic situation you tend to go towards the direction of least danger... In this case a soldier who immediately calls you over and lends words of apology. Didn't even think much of the other guys once they were done with the exposition. Having a special voice actor doesn't imply longevity in TES games... Case in point, Patrick Stewart.


From a story perspective, it was their fault that you were even captured in the first place so knowing little else you probably wouldn't want to hang around them unless you were looking forward to another execution. Keep in mind that at this point, the player doesn't know about their role in Skyrim, doesn't know who these stormcloak guys are, doesn't know about their racism or political ideals.

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I don't like the intro.


I would have been happy with my character just being a bystander or waking up in the inn and stepping outside just to find an execution was going on.


As far as going with the Legion guy it doesn't make much sense but it's how I went with my first character. I guess it was more a matter of finding the next step in the tutorial rather than picking a side at this point.


In defense of Bethesda I have to say that the Legion guy who helps you (I can't remember the name) didn't want you to be executed because you weren't on the list. Basically the Dragonborn is victim of a clerical error...


Anyway that's just an instance of needing some dose of willing suspension of disbelief and in all honesty getting face to face with a dragon so early in the game was something that failed to impress me since there was no sense of urgency or danger (it's a tutorial after all). :facepalm:

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I actually prefer the empire to the Stormcloaks, I've done both story-lines.

Hadvar was merely doing his job, what would have happened to Hadvar if he just said no to the Captain, the captain would have probably sent him to the chopping block too, considering how much of an a**hole she was...

Neither the imperials nor the Stormcloaks are the bad guy here, The Dragons and Thalmor are!


The Only reason Skyrim has a rebellion on its hands is because the Empire had to surrender to the Thalmor, they thought it would be better to save men and resources, regroup and reorganize into something that can take the fight to the Thalmor, the reason I support the Imperials is because the seek to unite the empire whereas the Stormcloaks want to seperate it, Skyrim would never be able to take on the whole of the Thalmor on its own...The whole empire couldnt, so one province on its own wont stand a chance...

The Thalmor also have the Khajiits on thier hands now too...so its not only the Thalmor the Stormcloaks would have to conted with...

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I asked myself that same question while I'll was running with him down the road into the town where his Uncle works as a black smith..riversomething.

But then he kept thanking me for saving him and saying how happy he was that I was there. I can't remember saving his life but I figured, I'll follow this guy and maybe he'll take me somewhere I can find some kind of a home base to get cleaned up and sell some of the junk I collected for gold.

I figured if he was an enemy, I would just fight and kill him and move on.

What bothered me was him telling me that if I wanted to join the Legion, to go and talk to so and so. I was tempted to cut him up right then and there but I didn't.

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