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RobCo sales and service center missing graphics? (HELP!)


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When I first come to "RobCo sales and service center" with ADA I have a major graphics bug with missing textures down in the cellar where the door is that ADA shall open, and the game is laggy has hell at this location. It looks just like the graphic bug you did have in some location if you used any mod that removed interior fog, but I don't have any mod that does that any more.


Have some one have this happening to them and know any fix for it?


Have done this location before with no problem, but I started a new game after they did release the DLC "Far Harbor" (I have all DLC's) and now I have this graphic bug in this location :sad:

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if you used any mod that removed interior fog, but I don't have any mod that does that any more.

I am unsure what this is about other than a graphics glitch.


But from what I Quoted here, this tells me you believe your saved game will self clean it's self? Not so, Fallout 4 retains all assets and most code from mods thus removed especially quest results, XP gains and some times even guns and armor.


Please supply a graphic detail screen shot showing the issues so we have a better understanding of the situation.

Edited by Purr4me
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I did start a new game after I removed the mod that removed interior fog, but any way I have located the problem...it is the mod "Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp" that is the culprit (shall see if there is any update to download).
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I did start a new game after I removed the mod that removed interior fog, but any way I have located the problem...it is the mod "Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp" that is the culprit (shall see if there is any update to download).

acknowledged, will wait and see if you find anything else "wacky ! "

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The author of the mod "Scrap Everything" says that due to how Bethesda made that cell so is it not possible to use "Scrap Everything" for "Automatron", so I disable it and just use "Scrap Everything - Core" and "Scrap Everything - Far Harbor" and now all is OK again. Edited by ceano
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