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Salvaged assaultron head as a helmet


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Would it be possible to transform the head intro a helmet that you can wear and still shoot?


The shooting could work something like this:

- You equip a "grenade" in you pip boy

- Press the throw button to start charging the laser

- When it's fully charged a message will pop up saying it's ready to fire

- You press the throw button again to fire



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You're halfway there, since there's already an Assaultron Helmet in game. Now you just need to figure out a place to put the player's brain to make room for the big laser hardware.


Are you thinking the weaponized helmet will irradiate you just like the handheld version?

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Now you just need to figure out a place to put the player's brain to make room for the big laser hardware.


Buddy, where we are going we don't need brains.



Are you thinking the weaponized helmet will irradiate you just like the handheld version?


Sure, why not. Depends how you would add it to the game. If you don't like the radiation thing, just add a modified version that doesn't irradiate you.. or so..

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