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Werewolf Buff


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In the beginning, I guess they seem pretty strong, but as you go on... it starts to become a real disadvantage transforming. It doesn't seem to scale enough. With 40% one-handed gloves/boots, 20% necklace & ring, I do 172 damage per hit with two Daedric Maces (Legendary), throw in Elemental Fury and I can take out anything in like half a second and take next to no damage, and even if I didn't hit anything, the damage I take is fairly insignificant due to my armor.


In werewolf form however... the hits are weak, the armor is weak, can't use potions, can't open maps, can't open doors or chests that need picking or keys, and can't loot corpses.


I guess we can't make it scale off of what you were wearing before you transformed, since you can transform nude. But I dunno. It needs buffed in some way.


At the very least, I'd like to see a more powerful attack, more armor, faster health regeneration, faster attack speed, and faster speed in general. Maybe it could scale with our level, or our health/stamina. And, the ability to bash open doors and chests (even if we can't loot them), and the ability to pull up the map.

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True enough. I wouldnt care for bashing doors and looting or map. BUT when there is no way to heal yourself then there is no point in transforming if you actualy do less damage while transformed. I would agree to boost in speed, damage and armor (or health regen). Because otherwise werewolf form is later useless
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