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(male) Smoothing mods - hair and other - request.


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Hello everyone who might read this! There are a lot of mods for female models/textures/actors/characters whatever you might want to call them, but not for males, so I wanted to make a request for a male mod that smooths out their faces/bodies and make them more femenin (Yeah, think anime-esque, with a femenin feature/face that is more round than blocky/masculine). There were mods like this for oblivion. Before you wonder why I want this, well it's not to turrn the game into an anime game/manga - but more along the lines of actually being able to creatre more handsome looking male characters in the game - especially with the elves who look downright disgusting, i hate their features, but I love their race, makes sense? maybe not.


Also if it is possible to add some of the female hair for the males as well (the longer hairs for males kind of look dull and boring). I am a fan of long hair over short hair, trimmed over messy etc etc - I'm sure there are many out there that want the same.


I hope someone understands my point, as a female myself/girl what have you, I'd like to make a "pretty boy character" over a lumbering hulk if it makes sense? Not that there is anything wrong with either :3


Thanks for reading!

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