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LeveledListAddForm - Lutana NVSE Questions


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Hey everyone,


I'm currently looking for a compatible way to add some items from a mod I'm currently making to existing leveled lists, and recently ran across the LeveledListAddForm and LeveledListRemoveForm functions added by the Lutana NVSE plugin.


However, there is no info about these plugins on the GECK page, and I can't find it elsewhere, so I have a few questions (links to information about the functions would also be appreciated).


The first obvious question is how do I actually use the function, something like LeveledListAddForm (Leveled List) (Form) I'd assume?


Second would be about how the function actually effects the lists that it adds forms to. I know the vanilla command AddFormToLeveledList saves the changes to the save, and they persist when the mod is uninstalled, right? So do these functions also do this (I'm guessing not, since there is a Remove version which I could use)?


Finally, would the script used to add the items to lists with this function need to run once every time the game starts, or just the once when the mod is first installed?


Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out,



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The functions are listed on the description page: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55399/?


(void) LeveledListAddForm (LListAddForm) list:ref form:ref level:int count:int health:float
Creates a new entry in a leveled list with the given parameters. (Use decimal values between 0.0 and 1.0 for health percentage.)

I don't know about save persistence, though.

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