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Lighting-related graphics problem


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I got Skyrim today. During the intro dragon attack, my screen went haywire. I thought it was some blurry/vibration effect from the dragon. The I realized it wasn't supposed to be there.


This is my first screenshot:




It's like an afterimage of some lighting effect from one fram being carried into the following frames. I can run around outside without the problem coming up at all, but as soon as I get in range of most light sources, it happens. If I turn completely away from the light source, the afterimage goes away. It's completely blown my spellcasting. Here's a couple of shots:





The only difference between the two is that one has a spell readied, the other doesn't. It's definately a lighting effect.


So I turned down my video quality through the loading menu. No matter what setting I put it at, I get the effect. Funny thing though is that it seems to 'reset' every time I change my video quality. The effect always comes back though, so now I'm running now at ultrahigh quality, and my only lag is with light sources.


If I could pinpoint what's causing this, I hope I can configure it out.


Thanks for looking...



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