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Refined Soul Gems (craftable improved soul gems)


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The http://www.uesp.net/w/images/thumb/6/64/SR-icon-misc-Azura%27sStar.png/48px-SR-icon-misc-Azura%27sStar.png Azura's Star Has always been one of my favorite items and I always hated that there is only one.


The idea is to basically allow the crafting (though by no means easily) of reusable soul gems of every kind (and possibly higher) through crafting.


Making this stuff, the stuff here is just what I could come up with might not be the best idea... particularly the alchemist stuff, but I just put what I think would be appropriate, probably not cost/rarity wise.


I gotidea came from these the way the old morrowind greater gems looked, all smooth and nice with a setting would be the ideal look... I put an image down bellow at the bottom for what I have in mind.


Enchanting Table

Refined Petty Soul Gem = Petty Soul Gem Setting + Cut Petty Soul Gem + 4 Cut Tinny Soul Gem + Petty Soul

Refined Lesser Soul Gem = Lesser Soul Gem Setting + Cut Lesser Soul Gem + 4 Cut Petty Soul Gem + Lesser Soul

Refined Common Soul Gem = Common Soul Gem Setting + Cut Common Soul Gem + 4 Cut Lesser Soul Gem + Common Soul

Refined Greater Soul Gem = Greater Soul Gem Setting + Cut Greater Soul Gem + 4 Cut Common Soul Gem + Greater Soul

Refined Grand Soul Gem = Grand Soul Gem Setting + Cut Grand Soul Gem + 4 Cut Greater Soul Gem + Grand Soul

Refined Black Soul Gem = Black Soul Gem Setting + Cut Black Soul Gem + 4 Cut Corrupted Greater Soul Gem + Black soul

Cut Corrupted Greater Soul Gem = Greater Soul Gem + Black soul

2 Cut Corrupted Greater Soul Gem = 2 Greater Soul Gem + Black soul



Petty Soul Gem Setting = 1~3 Iron Ingot + 5 Tundra Cotton + 5 Lavander

Lesser Soul Gem Setting = 1~3 Steel Ingot + 5 JazBay Grapes + Blue ButterFly Wings

Common Soul Gem Setting = 2~5 Silver Ingot + 5 Spriggsn Sap + 5 Hagraven Feathers

Greater Soul Gem Setting = 2~5 Refined Moonstone + 5 Ectoplasm + 5 Briar Heart

Grand Soul Gem Setting = 3~5 Gold Ingot + 2 Frost Salts + 5 Ectoplasm

Black Soul Gem Setting = 3~5 Ebony Ingot + Skull + Human Heart +2 Void Salts


Smelter or Workbench

Cut Tinny Soul Gem = 1~3 Soul Gem Fragment

Cut Petty Soul Gem = 1~3 Petty Soul Gem

Cut Lesser Soul Gem = 1~3 Lesser Soul Gem

Cut Common Soul Gem = 1~3 Common Soul Gem

Cut Greater Soul Gem = 1~3 Greater Soul Gem

Cut Grand Soul Gem = 1~3 Grand Soul Gem

Cut Black Soul Gem = 1~3 Black Soul Gem

(don't know what would be fair there myself)



Colossal Refined Soul Gems


This is something that would be an optional add to the mod.... but they would be bigger gems that only take a soul in if there is no appropriate gem for that soul (not one it's size). Instead of just taking the soul in it adds the soul's power to it's Capacity like an enchanted weapon. (could work as staffs?)


It won't make the enchantment stronger but it will only use up as much as you it needs of it's Capacity. (so it would say... show up as 5 items in an enchanting table with the option to use it as one of each gem)


To make them you first have to do a quest for WinterHold (and have access to the place of course) It would add a near by lab where they are doing research on soul gems with special crafting tables you can make them..... but you first have to find the instructions to in a Dwemer lab. Though if you want to make a Colossal Black gem then you will ether have to use the Dwemer lab or kill everyone in the Soul Gem Research Lab. (well nearly everyone, there could be some one there that if you have a black soul gem on you will pull out aside outside and offer to help you... take over the lab for more 'open minded' researchers.)


Anyway it would be something like:


Colossal Soul Gem Setting = 4 Refined Grand Soul Gems + 2 Refined Malachite + 3 Gold Ingot + 5 Refined Moonstone + Fire Salts + Frost Salts + Void Salts

Colossal Back Soul Gem Setting = 4 Refined Black Soul Gems + 10 Ebony Ingot + 5 Daedra Hearts + 5 Void Salts


Colossal Soul Gem = 5 Grand Soul Gems + 5 Fire Salts + 5 Grand Souls

Colossal Black Soul Gem = 10 Grand Soul Gems + 5 Black Soul Gems + 5 Fire Salts + 15 Black souls


Colossal Refined Soul Gem (15,000 Capacity) = Colossal Soul Gem Setting + Colossal Soul Gem + 1 Dragon Soul

Colossal Refined Black Soul Gem (45,000 Capacity) =Colossal Back Soul Gem Setting + Colossal Black Soul Gem + 3 Dragon Souls


The idea came from this old mod (pic is link):






This is what I have in mind for the look of the Refined gems...


Petty, lesser, common, and Colossal. I have a few ideas for greater but I couldn't but them to paper >.> As for the Colossal I just have the idea of the rings circling around it with grand gems on them (there was supose to be 4... but I forgot one)..... and The Colossal Black looking like the one in the picture but having the 4 skulls floating around it.



Edited by Azraile
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changing meshes and textures would be a matter of getting permission, if you intend to used something other than vanilla.

As for re-usable soul gems, thats a simple keyword add in the CK.

Adding to capacity would require completely changing how soulgems work in skyrim. The basic matrix is:

The soul level =character level; that level determines what gem it goes into. Grand and black are effectively limitless.

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Sounds like the colossal ones would be hard to make while the coding part of the Refined wouldn't be that hard..... just the making the graphics would be.... x.x


That's cool If I could find some one to make the Images of them the reast would be easy for some one that knows the coding. ^.^

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