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[Planned] Travel to Cyrodiil Mod


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Torrents. Cool, right?

How many people download mods from torrents? I want you name any.


No, if it is banned, less people play it. If less people play it, why spend 2 years make it? Logic my friend, logic.

Besides, you would never be a famous mod maker, because you are outside the legal area and where people are.


That said, no decent modder would rely on torrent got his mods. It would either have its own site, or it would be legal and sit on the big mod sites.

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I think its improbable that this will come about, i have had enough experience with other games (not oblivion as much unfortuantly) and mods too know that somthing of this size is almost impossible, i know i could do it, but it would take me 6 months to get to the stage i could start to thinking about creating it, knowing how the tools work, and every in and out of the game. Then as people have said, years making it. Its not just models, maps and textures, the mod is nothing without the people, quests and creatures of cyrodiil, and that will make up more of the work as its research, getting every detail of lore correct, as i would feel i would have too, or feel very disapponted. I would help with this in anyway i can, if a modding team can prove they are serious, as in sort out at least some legal stuff, and get making models.


But on ideas, you should do some of the stuff like in Skyrim, more open villages like riverwood, say semi permanent refugee camps from the wars?

Quests to help rebuild cities?

Solving the whole Thalmor problem, a victory of some kind that the Empire has against them?(if the lore allows for that....) and chosing sides, Thalmor or Empire?

Rebuilding of the Fighters Guild

Rebuilding of the Mages guild

Reinstating the Blades, moving some of the blades from skyrim over to cyrodiil to reclaim the blades fortress sky ruler temple (it was that right? hope am not getting mixed up there)



Its endless oppertunities.


And no torrents, they can have very nasty viruses and bugs.


Hopefully there is some loophole where you can make your own models, but i would think the only things that will really be the same is stuff like buildings, trees and landscapes. most other stuff is in skyrim. and most weapons and armour is much the same, remember only truely legendary objects should still be about.


You can always hope, if some others feel strongly about this mod, i will be happy to help how ever long it takes, but i have no TES modding experience, and little modeling, only ever helped make some engines for planes in flight sim X :/

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Personally Cyrodiil is my favorite province and i would love to help rebuild it in Skyrim.


So here are my thoughts.


1. Bruma should have a completely different set of buildings from the way they were during Oblivion since those buildings would have rotted and fallen over a while ago and new ones would have been built in their places, with the exception of the chapel and castle which were made of stone and would still be standing but more worn that in Oblivion. The chapel would likely be closed down though since talos worship is banned


2. Cheydinhall wouldn't have changed to much in my opinion except it would probably have grown quite a bit since allot of the refugees from Morrowind probably would have gone there and it would most likely have a slum now since the refugees wouldn't have much money.


3. Chorrol would have changed the least since i don’t think it was involved in the war except for holding imperial troops before the battle of the red ring road.


5. Kvatch is rebuilt by now but it would have been conquered by the thalmor so it should have a strong thalmor presence and probably be rebuilt out of stone to avoid getting destroyed again.


6. Skingrad would probably not have changed much except for some damage since it was attacked by the thalmor but it should have already been repaired and Count Hasildor would have probably been replaced with a thalmor agent when the city was taken but he would still have a high ranking position.


7. Anvil would probably have grown quite a bit since that would be where all the thalmor ships would dock when heading into Cyrodiil but it would probably have had allot of changes to the original buildings since it was also captured by the thalmor.


8. Bravil is probably mostly a ruin with collapsed buildings everywhere and huge portions of its walls gone since it was in bad shape during oblivion and it was a major battle ground in the great war. i think it would probably like an elaborate maze of rubble and buildings that are halfway sunk into the Niben.


9. Leyawin probably drastically changed since it is now owned by kajhiit and was attacked allot during the war. Now it would probably contain a few old buildings but it would likely have allot of kajhiit style buildings since they would have been the ones to rebuild it.


10. The Imperial City would not have changed too much but it would have a lot of battle scars and a huge thalmor presence. The thalmor probably would have taken over the talos plaza and used it as their headquarters in the city and the thalmor would probably hold a section of the imperial prison and about half of the palace. I’m also assuming that the waterfront would have a ton more people living there since allot of residents would have lost their homes to thalmor agents. The Arena would probably be pretty different and be owned by the thalmor now since it generates allot of revenue. The elder council probably is half way controlled by the thalmor too. The thieves’ guild is probably living in the sewers now along with allot of other people who the thalmor would want dead, such as ex-blades, rebels ex-elder council members, and anyone else with power to challenge the thalmor. The arcane university is probably under thalmor control as well.


11. Cloudruler is probably burned to the ground but there might be a secret vault or something beneath it where the blades hid most of their treasures before they were killed. It would probably contain the armor of tiber septim, old blade armors all the weapons recovered by the champion of Cyrodiil, and his imperial dragon armor.


12. The wilderness probably would not have changed all too much.


13. The people are likely to be allot more worried and tired looking with the constant stress of war.


14. The guilds would still be functioning but would be monitored by thalmor at all times.


15. The Main Quest should revolve around a Rebellion against thalmor rule by Imperials who have lost their homes and families. The rebellion should be a quiet and more stealth full battle than the Stormcloacks and should focus more on a small group of about 100 or so men who don’t fight the Empire and are solely trying to remove the thalmor from Cyrodiil without causing a full scale war that would destroy the Empire. I think the quests should deal with stuff like infiltrating thalmor areas to steal documents and assassinate important thalmor figures. The quest line should conclude with a battle against a thalmor stronghold where the aldmeri dominions leader is staying, but unfortunately the majority of the rebels are killed in the assault while a small group of the rebel leaders attempt, and fail, to assassinate the aldmeri dominion leader which ends in the rebel leader being killed and telling the player to lead the remnants of the rebels away to fight another day, at which point you have to escape the stronghold and return to the rebel base which is now yours.


16. The rebels should be very stealth oriented and wear disguises while on missions. For example, while on an assassination mission the rebels dress like the dark brotherhood to attempt to hide their identities and they dress ass thieves’ guild members while stealing from the thalmor and they dress like bandits when ambushing thalmor troops. They should always maintain a low profile and the thalmor would keep the attack on their leader a secret to prevent more rebels from attacking them. (This also keeps the mod from hurting any of the lore in future games since no records would be kept of the rebellion and it would be like it never happened so it would make sense that it was not mentioned in future games.)


That is all the suggestions I have but you can definitely count me into your team. I have experience wth the construction set and made a few mods for oblivion so i think i would be a bit of help to your team.


Man, why did I spend an hour typing all this

I approve of this. Though all this would take a long time to do, but IMO it would be worth the wait if the final product came out as well as i'm hoping.

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This sounds like a fantatstic idea, But according to me the best way to start this mod is to release pre-alpha versions for tiny changes VEY regularly. You should start out by just expanding the invisible walls, (like the one in stendarrs beacon) and forget quests dungeons enemies till later, the primary focus is to build the landmass and buildings. The more people working on that at the same will make it faster and more effecient.


When/If you expand skyrim to cyrodil you would also have to expand the map, (or make a seperate one)

Good luck. Unfortunately I am too young help you in this mod, and school is just starting.


- Cheers, Zain. Just my 2 shouts!

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Some good ideas above but I'm not sure whether the Thalmor should be cited for influence over so many things.


Personally I think that the version of Cyrodil that is created should just be more like Oblivion with the Better Cities and Unique Landscapes mods. Not identical obviously but they would be a great influence. They practically revolutionize the game by themselves along with OOO.

Edited by MonkersX
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Some good ideas above but I'm not sure whether the Thalmor should be cited for influence over so many things.

It's not about what we think, it is about facts.

Cyrodiil is warntorn after the invasion. They have not had a good time to rebuild, at least not when they know the Thalmor is right around the corner. If anything, they are reinforcing cities for battle.


Personally I think that the version of Cyrodil that is created should just be more like Oblivion with the Better Cities and Unique Landscapes mods. Not identical obviously but they would be a great influence. They practically revolutionize the game by themselves along with OOO.

Make it too close to Oblivion, and you've ripped it off of Oblivion. Now you just got on the bad side of Bethesda, since you pretty much stole their work.

If you want to make cyrodiil, it need to be how it is in lore. And in lore, it is not a peacefull nice place. The empire is crumbling, and need to act fast. They couldn't care less about how Bruma looks, for instance. As long as the Imperial City can hold another attack, and their armies are trained up fast.

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I for one would love a game where you can go to all of Tamriel, with all its awesome Imperial City glory and all that. The Arena, the dragon(?) of Martin Septim, the door to the Shivering Isles...it's going to be super awesome actually getting to see the HQ of the Knights of the Nine again. In fact, I encourage you to actually make ALL of Tamriel. High Rock, Hammerfell, Black Marsh, Summerset Isles...it is going to be EPIC getting to see the world without any BS invisible walls.
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