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A Small Idea - Weapon Related


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Hey guys


One thing that ive always wanted in oblivion and now skyrim , which i think was featured in DA/DA2, more DA2 is automatic weapon leveling or "soul" weapons. ofcourse dual conjuring swords level up with conjuring etc. but im talking about weapons that the player can start with that grow with the player,each level the player gains, the weapon adjusts to suit that level and is capable of killing enemys of that level and a phew levels above,


Not only that. it would be awsome if the weapons changed appearance with each level, turning into an amazingly detailed and well designed weapon by the last level of that weapon


Just an idea

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I'm not really sure what you're saying. Yes, obviously the weapons currently don't change their appearance as you grow, and I agree that it would be pretty cool if some of them did (just really special ones though). But as far as getting more powerful... well, weapons already do more damage as you level up; that's the whole point of having weapons-related skills. If the weapon itself got more powerful, on top of the extra damage you do for higher skill, then... you'd end up way over-powered. Which might be your cup of tea, but honestly I think the game's easy enough most of the time that that'll just make it boring.
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Well basically im talking about "soul weapons" ok uhm, lol im bad at explaining, you get a weapon right? you sell it, then you buy a new one as you get stronger. a new weapon


Basically im saying remove the need to spend gold on weapons with soul weapons. weapons that change stats with you as you level. its really hard to explain haha, go play DA2!! ull see lol

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