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Follows-Chalk in the Mohave


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I think that Follows-Chalk as a companion after you finish HH would be awesome. Can make it so he appears in the Mohave if you encourage him to explore civilization and can be hired as a follower when you find him there (maybe have him start on the strip?) :thumbsup:

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You can use console commands to use Follows-Chalk in the rest of the game.


set "XX009dba".bFollowsChalkAvailable to 1
prid XX0094d1
moveto player


Replace XX with the mod index of Honest Hearts in your load order. Follows-Chalk will be teleported to your location and be available for hire. Be quick to talk to him though because as soon as you close the console he will start to run towards Dead Horses Camp. You can use prid XX0094d1 followed by moveto player to teleport him back to you if you are to slow to talk to him. You can also use prid XX0094d1 followed by tai to freeze him and give you time to talk to him. Use prid XX0094d1 followed by tai again to unfreeze him.

Edited by TheNeglected
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I tried all this, didnt work



You can use console commands to use Follows-Chalk in the rest of the game.


set "XX009dba".bFollowsChalkAvailable to 1
prid XX0094d1
moveto player


Replace XX with the mod index of Honest Hearts in your load order. Follows-Chalk will be teleported to your location and be available for hire. Be quick to talk to him though because as soon as you close the console he will start to run towards Dead Horses Camp. You can use prid XX0094d1 followed by moveto player to teleport him back to you if you are to slow to talk to him. You can also use prid XX0094d1 followed by tai to freeze him and give you time to talk to him. Use prid XX0094d1 followed by tai again to unfreeze him.

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no errors at all in the console, I typed all the commands as written, no show




ok I see the possible problem, I tried this on an earlier save (pre Honest hearts) and it worked PERFECT

I think the issue is quest related, if you finished honest hearts this wont work, if you didnt go to zion yet,, it will work

there may be some script package in Follows Chalk that disables him after his part of the quest is done


its a shame, I really like him and its a rare thing to have a native american displayed in a positive way

Edited by Rattlerx5150
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Thats odd. Follows-Chalk is disabled when you complete Honest Hearts but that should be fixed by using enable on him. You could try using

instead of just enable.


You could also try making a bat file. Copy
set "XX009dba".bFollowsChalkAvailable to 1
prid XX0094d1
moveto player

into notepad. Replace XX with the mod index of Honest Hearts and save it as followschalk.txt in the "fallout new vegas" folder (not the data folder but the folder above it, the folder that contains the games exe-file).
Start the game, load your save, open the console and type
bat followschalk
Hopefully this will work.

Edited by TheNeglected
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I did this , copied it exactly as you wrote it

a message came up



Civilized mans burden




I tried a couple more times,, saw he showed up, and disappeared a second later

used the TAI command, and I got him to join me


Thank you very much



when you save the game, he isnt with you when you reload

and running the batch file again crashes the game


I think its clear some sort of MOD will be necessary to get Followschalk into the mojave

Edited by Rattlerx5150
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