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Tool: Adjusting object IDs


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So I've been playing the same save since I started playing FO4 and I don't plan to change that in the near future. What does change however is my load order. Replacing old mods and trying out new ones has left my load order looking like swiss cheese.


To fix that I'd like to request a tool. I don't know if that's the best way to handle things or if that would even work, but here it goes:

The tool should save my old load order before I start adding/removing/updating/change the load order of mods. After I'm done the tool loads all items added by mods that are saved in a savefile and tries to find the mod those items belong to in the new load order. If it can't find the mod, the tool shows some info about the item at hand and asks if the item should be removed or if I want to manually select the mod in the load order the item belongs to.

When done so, the tool will change the base/refID of that item to the new position, so that the item is still there when the save is loaded next time I play FO4.

Edited by wuwuwuwuwu
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why would you need a tool like this?

correct me if i'm wrong, but if you've updated a mod properly, then all items added by that mod should still appear in your game, without any change (not removed from inventory\storage)

and if you've removed a mod, all it's assets will be removed from the game


and if i am not mistaken, the position of the plugin in the load order should not have any effect on the items added by it, aside from a case of having conflict or several plugins editing the same object, in which case you just need to be smart with your load order placements


i can't quite see how a tool like this would even be made, nor can i really see a reason for this to be needed

i am sure you are aware of the problems with removing mods in the middle of playing the game, and no tool will change this, or remove the risks involved

if someone wants to help you with this, they can go right ahead, but from what i see, you are requesting for something that is unnecessary, if your modding habits make sense

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To my understanding, each item added by a mod has an ID starting with the two digits representing the position of the mod in the load order. I for one had the problems that when moving one of the many settlement object mods in my load order, that all the items previously placed would dissapear and I had to place them again. Given the size of my current savegame, I'd probably have to rebuild 10 out of my 16 settlements almost entirely.

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i thought that placement in the load order didn't actually affect the items in game, but i may have been wrong

however, why do you move these mods in your load order? you should really export your load order, and make sure to move your plugins to their original locations after you change mods


don't get me wrong, if someone wants to make such a program, they are of course free to do it

it just sounds like a really complicated program to write, if it is even possible


again, mod your game in a smart way, and you can prevent many problems


good luck

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I for one had the problems that when moving one of the many settlement object mods in my load order, that all the items previously placed would dissapear and I had to place them again.


This sounds like a mod conflict issue that cropped up when the load order changed, some other mod is now overwriting the mod that gave you those items to place. I suggest taking a look at using LOOT http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5310/? to sort out your load order and discover mod incompatibilities. Keep in mind though that Loot doesn't always know the correct place for mods, it sometimes gives the wrong suggestions so you still need to manually make some changes. Pay particular attention to the mod author's suggestions on load order. If they took the time to tell you where to place it in your load order it most likely is really important.


If you're changing mods really frequently, enabling, disabling, etc. you pretty much have to accept that even if you know what you're doing and are careful, eventually you may end up installing a mod that will corrupt a save file perhaps due to poor scripting. Or if you're not paying enough attention you might improperly uninstall a mod that requires more than a simple deactivate/uninstall in NMM and that might cause issues. I run well over 200 mods on my current character and I've uninstalled a lot mid game as well. I add/remove mods every few days. Frankly I'm surprised I still have a valid save file after all that, especially one that's made it all the way to level 80 something.


I have a Skyrim save file that is now unplayable because when I first started modding I did it all manually instead of using NMM or MO. I didn't keep a copy of my load order and after having to completely reinstall the game at one point I never could get that save file working again. I learned my lesson and started using the tools we have appropriately which has helped a lot.

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Same goes for me. I've installed and removed dozen of mods during my playthrough. It's not like my save is particulary unstable, but some of the holes in my loadorder are pretty worrysome for me. Especially tricky are mods with multiple ESPs.


For example, I've installed multiple small mods by DDP and I'd like to replace them with all-in-one mod he released, but that would rip yet another hole into my load order.

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