Mrpaulcs Posted August 2, 2016 Share Posted August 2, 2016 These crashes are making me go crazy. It doesn't always happen but it still happens frequently. Can someone help me read this crash log. [spoiler=Crash Log]INFO (16:44:07.0599): Windows 6.2 (workstation)INFO (16:44:07.0599): hook.dll v2.7.5INFO (16:44:07.0599): Code page: 1252INFO (16:44:07.0599): injecting to C:\Games\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Legendary Edition\skse_loader.exeINFO (16:44:07.0599): using profile DefaultINFO (16:44:07.0599): data path is C:\Games\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Legendary Edition\dataDEBUG (16:44:07.0599): mods are in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer\mods"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "Naruto Overhaul"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "Glowing Ore Veins 300"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "Immersive Armors"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "KS Hairdos Renewal"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "High Resolution Scars"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "Eyes of Aber"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "Face Light"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "Brows"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "The Eyes Of Beauty"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "Alternate Start - Live Another Life"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "RaceMenu"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "The Uchiha Clan"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "RaceCompatibility with fixes"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "DaggerCraftPackage"INFO (16:44:07.0599): using mod "KenMOD - Lockpick Pro - Cheat"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Deadly_Dragons"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "No bethesda Intro"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "ACE - BYOG - Balance Your Own Game"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Tania the Hermit"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Bijin Warmaidens"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Bijin NPCs"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Bijin Wives"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Convenient Horses"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "HDT Physics Extensions"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Enhanced HD Dragon Bones 2k v1.6a"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Real Skyrim Snowflakes - Vivid Snow"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Vivid Clouds and Fogs"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Expanded Towns and Cities Im. Set. Merged File"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "SkyUI"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Unofficial ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patch"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Enhanced Lights and FX"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Climates Of Tamriel-V"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Enhanced Vanilla Trees"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Immersive Roads"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "SkyFalls + SkyMills"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Static Mesh Improvement Mod"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Skyrim HD - 2K Textures"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "HD Enhanced Terrain"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Ultimate HD Fire Effects"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Ruins Clutter Improved"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Optimized Vanilla Textures - HD"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "Crash Fixes"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack01"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack02"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "*Unmanaged: HighResTexturePack03"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dawnguard"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dragonborn"INFO (16:44:07.0600): using mod "*Unmanaged: HearthFires"DEBUG (16:44:07.0602): reading BSA HearthFires.bsaDEBUG (16:44:07.0615): reading BSA Dragonborn.bsaDEBUG (16:44:07.0770): reading BSA Dawnguard.bsaDEBUG (16:44:07.0854): reading BSA HighResTexturePack03.bsaDEBUG (16:44:07.0859): reading BSA HighResTexturePack02.bsaDEBUG (16:44:07.0916): reading BSA HighResTexturePack01.bsaDEBUG (16:44:07.0922): indexing Crash FixesDEBUG (16:44:07.0923): indexing Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchDEBUG (16:44:07.0923): reading BSA Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.bsaDEBUG (16:44:07.0954): indexing Optimized Vanilla Textures - HDDEBUG (16:44:07.0954): reading BSA Skyrim - HD01.bsaDEBUG (16:44:07.0980): reading BSA Skyrim - HD02.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0030): indexing Ruins Clutter ImprovedDEBUG (16:44:08.0032): indexing Ultimate HD Fire EffectsDEBUG (16:44:08.0033): indexing HD Enhanced TerrainDEBUG (16:44:08.0033): indexing Skyrim HD - 2K TexturesDEBUG (16:44:08.0037): indexing Static Mesh Improvement ModDEBUG (16:44:08.0054): indexing SkyFalls + SkyMillsDEBUG (16:44:08.0056): indexing Immersive RoadsDEBUG (16:44:08.0056): indexing Enhanced Vanilla TreesDEBUG (16:44:08.0059): indexing Climates Of Tamriel-VDEBUG (16:44:08.0059): reading BSA ClimatesOfTamriel.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0059): indexing Enhanced Lights and FXDEBUG (16:44:08.0067): indexing Unofficial ELFX SMIM ENB fps performance patchDEBUG (16:44:08.0067): indexing SkyUIDEBUG (16:44:08.0067): reading BSA SkyUI.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0068): indexing Expanded Towns and Cities Im. Set. Merged FileDEBUG (16:44:08.0069): reading BSA ETaC - RESOURCES.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0077): indexing Vivid Clouds and FogsDEBUG (16:44:08.0077): indexing Real Skyrim Snowflakes - Vivid SnowDEBUG (16:44:08.0078): indexing Enhanced HD Dragon Bones 2k v1.6aDEBUG (16:44:08.0078): indexing A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With RoadsDEBUG (16:44:08.0079): indexing Wildcat - Combat of SkyrimDEBUG (16:44:08.0079): reading BSA Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0079): indexing HDT Physics ExtensionsDEBUG (16:44:08.0080): indexing Convenient HorsesDEBUG (16:44:08.0080): reading BSA Convenient Horses.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0083): indexing Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-DEBUG (16:44:08.0084): indexing Bijin WivesDEBUG (16:44:08.0087): indexing Bijin NPCsDEBUG (16:44:08.0092): indexing Bijin WarmaidensDEBUG (16:44:08.0101): indexing Tania the HermitDEBUG (16:44:08.0101): reading BSA Hermit.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0115): indexing ACE - BYOG - Balance Your Own GameDEBUG (16:44:08.0115): reading BSA ACE BYOG.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0115): indexing No bethesda IntroDEBUG (16:44:08.0115): indexing Deadly_DragonsDEBUG (16:44:08.0115): reading BSA DeadlyDragons.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0116): indexing KenMOD - Lockpick Pro - CheatDEBUG (16:44:08.0116): indexing DaggerCraftPackageDEBUG (16:44:08.0117): indexing RaceCompatibility with fixesDEBUG (16:44:08.0118): indexing The Uchiha ClanDEBUG (16:44:08.0119): reading BSA UchihaClan.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0122): indexing UFO - Ultimate Follower OverhaulDEBUG (16:44:08.0122): reading BSA UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0123): indexing RaceMenuDEBUG (16:44:08.0123): reading BSA RaceMenu.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0126): indexing Alternate Start - Live Another LifeDEBUG (16:44:08.0126): reading BSA Alternate Start - Live Another Life.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0130): indexing The Eyes Of BeautyDEBUG (16:44:08.0131): indexing BrowsDEBUG (16:44:08.0132): indexing Face LightDEBUG (16:44:08.0133): indexing Eyes of AberDEBUG (16:44:08.0133): reading BSA Eyes of Aber.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0133): indexing High Resolution ScarsDEBUG (16:44:08.0134): indexing KS Hairdos RenewalDEBUG (16:44:08.0141): indexing Immersive ArmorsDEBUG (16:44:08.0142): reading BSA Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0152): reading BSA Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0157): indexing Glowing Ore Veins 300DEBUG (16:44:08.0157): indexing Naruto OverhaulDEBUG (16:44:08.0158): reading BSA Naruto Overhaul.bsaDEBUG (16:44:08.0162): indexing overwriteDEBUG (16:44:08.0162): update vfs took 1 secondsDEBUG (16:44:08.0162): data path: C:\Games\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Legendary Edition\dataINFO (16:44:08.0162): "aaa" maps to "Skyrim - Misc.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aab" maps to "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aac" maps to "Skyrim - Textures.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aad" maps to "Skyrim - Interface.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aae" maps to "Skyrim - Animations.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aaf" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aag" maps to "Skyrim - Sounds.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aah" maps to "Skyrim - Voices.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aai" maps to "Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aaj" maps to "Update.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aak" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aal" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aam" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aan" maps to "HighResTexturePack03.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aao" maps to "HighResTexturePack02.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aap" maps to "HighResTexturePack01.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aaq" maps to "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aar" maps to "Skyrim - HD01.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aas" maps to "Skyrim - HD02.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aat" maps to "ClimatesOfTamriel.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aau" maps to "SkyUI.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aav" maps to "ETaC - RESOURCES.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aaw" maps to "Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aax" maps to "Convenient Horses.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aay" maps to "Hermit.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aaz" maps to "ACE BYOG.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "aba" maps to "DeadlyDragons.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "abb" maps to "UchihaClan.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "abc" maps to "UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "abd" maps to "RaceMenu.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "abe" maps to "Alternate Start - Live Another Life.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "abf" maps to "Eyes of Aber.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "abg" maps to "Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "abh" maps to "Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): "abi" maps to "Naruto Overhaul.bsa"INFO (16:44:08.0163): resource list: aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz,aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf,abg,abh,abiINFO (16:44:08.0163): working directory: C:\Games\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Legendary EditionDEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CreateProcessA installed at 75A30750 (trampoline at 00AE0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CreateProcessW installed at 75A0B000 (trampoline at 026A0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for LoadLibraryExW installed at 75A07930 (trampoline at 026B0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for LoadLibraryW installed at 75A0A840 (trampoline at 026C0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for LoadLibraryExA installed at 75A0A270 (trampoline at 026D0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for LoadLibraryA installed at 75A14BF0 (trampoline at 026E0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for FindFirstFileExW installed at 75BB07E0 (trampoline at 026F0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for FindNextFileW installed at 75BACAE0 (trampoline at 02700000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for FindClose installed at 75BBD3F0 (trampoline at 02710000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetFileAttributesW installed at 75BAFC40 (trampoline at 02720000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetFileAttributesExW installed at 75BB06B0 (trampoline at 02730000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for SetFileAttributesW installed at 75BDB800 (trampoline at 02740000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CreateFileW installed at 75BAD7E0 (trampoline at 02750000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CreateFileA installed at 75BC4BC0 (trampoline at 02760000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CreateDirectoryW installed at 75BB0130 (trampoline at 02770000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for DeleteFileW installed at 75BD9CE0 (trampoline at 02780000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for DeleteFileA installed at 75BD85F0 (trampoline at 02790000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CloseHandle installed at 75BAE080 (trampoline at 027A0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 75BC5D10 (trampoline at 027B0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for SetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 75BD21C0 (trampoline at 027C0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for MoveFileA installed at 75A13C90 (trampoline at 058C0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for MoveFileExA installed at 75A2BB20 (trampoline at 058D0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for MoveFileW installed at 75A0B1D0 (trampoline at 058E0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for MoveFileExW installed at 75A0B2B0 (trampoline at 058F0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringA installed at 75A10ED0 (trampoline at 05900000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringW installed at 75A109A0 (trampoline at 05910000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructA installed at 75A2A510 (trampoline at 05920000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructW installed at 75A2A670 (trampoline at 05930000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA installed at 75A2A4E0 (trampoline at 05940000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW installed at 75A106D0 (trampoline at 05950000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionA installed at 75A2A450 (trampoline at 05960000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionW installed at 75A10700 (trampoline at 05970000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntA installed at 75A10A80 (trampoline at 05980000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntW installed at 75A10600 (trampoline at 05990000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionA installed at 75A2A850 (trampoline at 059A0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionW installed at 75A2A8A0 (trampoline at 059B0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringA installed at 75A10560 (trampoline at 059C0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringW installed at 75A10180 (trampoline at 059D0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructA installed at 75A2A8F0 (trampoline at 059E0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructW installed at 75A2AA40 (trampoline at 059F0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for OpenFile installed at 75A2C780 (trampoline at 05A00000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CopyFileA installed at 75A0F780 (trampoline at 05A10000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CopyFileW installed at 75A16EC0 (trampoline at 05A20000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CreateHardLinkA installed at 75A306F0 (trampoline at 05A30000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for CreateHardLinkW installed at 75A30710 (trampoline at 05A40000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetFullPathNameW installed at 75A16AE0 (trampoline at 05A50000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetModuleFileNameA installed at 75A0A720 (trampoline at 05A60000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetModuleFileNameW installed at 75A09B00 (trampoline at 05A70000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for SHFileOperationA installed at 7401D2F0 (trampoline at 05A80000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for SHFileOperationW installed at 73ED0C40 (trampoline at 05A90000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetFileVersionInfoW installed at 73C11570 (trampoline at 05AA0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetFileVersionInfoSizeW installed at 73C11550 (trampoline at 05AB0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for NtQueryDirectoryFile installed at 76F86F20 (trampoline at 05AC0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): hook for GetFileVersionInfoExW installed at 73C11510 (trampoline at 05AD0000)DEBUG (16:44:08.0163): all hooks installedINFO (16:44:08.0163): injection doneDEBUG (16:44:08.0163): first access to dataDEBUG (16:44:08.0165): create process (a) C:\Games\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Legendary Edition\\TESV.exe - null (in null) - hookingDEBUG (16:44:08.0188): hooks removed----------- LOG END ----------- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkstyler35 Posted August 2, 2016 Share Posted August 2, 2016 Hello,CTD in a particular cell / location.CTD doing a particular action.Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.Here is a CTD troubleshooting guide that may also help you.Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game, if not already been done : /// Load order / mods conflicts :Use L.O.O.T once and click on the "sort plugins buttons".Create a wryebash patch including leveled lists.Create a merged patch with Tesedit excluding leveled lists/// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs :Clean your master files to eliminate potential problems : Gopher's videos cleaning your masterfiles on the Nexus Tesedit page.Start Tes5edit, simply untick everything, (right-click/select none) and add only a tick to the esm/esp you want to check + update.esm, Tesedit knows what to do and will load all the dependencies automatically.- Begin with loading only Skyrim + update, ITM / UDR + save ctrl +s and close.- Then load Skyrim + update + Dawnguard, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.- Then load Skyrim + update + Hearthfire, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.- Then load Skyrim + update + Dragonborn, ITM / UDR + ctrl +s and close.The method above can be used to clean mods. LOOT should tell you which plugin you should clean. You may also do a check errors on your plugins./// Settings / memory :Have you installed the skse patch ? >> memory blocks log.Backup your ini files and delete the files. Skyrim.ini / SkyrimCustom.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini found in C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\My Games\Skyrim then use your vanilla launcher to autodetect and use best settings for your computer./// Save game :Don't uninstall mods at mid-game, there are no clean save in Skyrim but using save script cleaner can help removing orphan scripts./// Meshes healer :Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page./// Useful informations : STEP troubleshooting page.Ensure your skyrim installation is healthy = Make skyrim vanilla again.Hope this helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hammer120 Posted November 17, 2021 Share Posted November 17, 2021 Had same problem read where someone posted to check windows swap file I did, I increased the max size and my crashes when going though doors has nearly stopped completely, much improved. was a memory or memory swap problem game ran out or couldn't load unload fast enough Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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