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zanity - Formal warning issued

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zanity has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


thread hijacking with conspiracy theory rants yet again:



You think THIS is bad? Well Microsoft just announced a TOTAL take-over of Windows 10 computers, including the 'right' to deactivate all DRIVERS (you know- the software required to keep your peripherals and third party strony encryption running) that haven't PAID for Windows 10 Microsoft certification.


Rotten Steam (owned by the same person who spent millions building an illegal gaming empire aimed at kids- before suddenly tearing down the whole enterprise in fear of ending up like Kim Dotcom) offers UNSTOPPABLE updates as a 'service' to all who publish their games via Steam.


The giant corporation software barons see your computer as THEIRS. They pay shills to flood forums denying that software is a PRODUCT just like any other product (despite loss after loss after loss in courts across the planet). You pay a one-time fee for your game, and it is just like a book or DVD- with standard consumer rights including FIRST SALE DOCTRINE (ie., you can resell the product). It is NOT a 'service' in Law.


Crooks attempt to de-facto change the law by STEALTH- the idea being that if they criminally infringe your rights for a long enough period, by 'common practice', that criminality becomes the new legal system.


If a forced update costs you time and or money, you should sue for costs. Nvidia recently had to agree to pay every customer that bought a 970 GPU $30- and why? Because Nvidia paid shills and tech sites to LIE about the specs of the card- and made a fortune by doing so. Betheda should be hit by class-action law-suits over game breaking forced updates.


Computers are complex things- and software is never bug free. This reality should be understood by all gamers. BUT the flip side of this is that the GAMER must have the RIGHT to choose what happens to his/her machine. Updates should be at the user's discretion- with the user taking responsibility after reading the update user-guide.


A FORCED update, on the other hand, is entirely the responsibility of the parties forcing the update, and any detrimental effect of said update should be paid for by those doing the forcing. Believe me, if entities like Microsoft and Steam were held fully accountable for their deploarable lack of quality control- they'd stop forcing updates in an instant.



Next time and it will be a permanant posting restriction





This warning was issued for what took place here




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, zanity has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 3 days




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