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Linking Cloud Storage Central Location


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I have a simple cloud storage system in place in my mod, but I wanted to see if there was a way to set up a single access point (activator) that would be a conduit for other activators placed in a cell. That central activator would link to the actual cloud chest.


Right now, I have individual activators all linked directly to the cloud storage chest, but it should be more efficient to have a single access link to chest with player activators linked to (something else that can be this conduit)....if I'm making any sense at all.

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if you want to make a cloud inventory system, you just need to create an activator with this script: ActivateLinkedChestDummyScript, and set as property the real chest, located in a closed cell. It's explained in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsB4e8isB28. I suppose you already did that. If you want to make one activator that can access different chests, through a screen menu or something, you should take a look at GeneralStores, it does exactly that: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18340

Edited by MaxShadow09
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Yes, I used that vid to set up the cloud. But there are so many activators directly attached to one chest, I thought that there may be a more efficient way of linking them through some sort of daisy-chain of activators, rather than just adding more links to one chest. I wasn't really thinking of a general stores type sorting just an efficient way to set up a cloud that has several activators (I have 4 cells with several activators linking to it.


May not be possible but this was the thought process anyway,


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No, the way you have it now is far more efficient for the game than creating some sort of intermediary activator. You're getting direct access every time, nothing is more efficient than that. It might seem messy when you're setting up links but it's definitely the best method for the game itself.

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