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Expand Companions' Dialogue

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Hello there!

I've been thinking about this for a while now and now I've decided I would give it a try.

I'd like to expaned the companions' dialogue, especially the "Your Thoughts" Category. What I wanna do is the following:


- choosing the "your thoughts" option should trigger a random dialogue scene from a group of scenes created by me.

- the dialogue scenes in this group would be built from scratch using voice recordings and files of the companion and the player character


I think such a thing would greatly benefit immersion. Just think about relaxing at your camp at night and actually talk with your campanion even after completing the companion quests and stuff.

Unfortunately, I'm completely unexperienced in using the GECK. However, the dialogue and scene stuff doesn't look THAT complicated.


Anyone has any advice, tips or tutorials that I could use?


/ For clarification: I would not import any new audio files, just recombine the existing ones (same goes for the text lines).


// So, I literally have no idea that I'm doing here, so I'd be glat if someone could help me out!


I've started with Piper and created a new (repeatable) Quest. Choosing the "your thoughts" dialogue option should start that quest and bring up its dialogue scene. Ending the dialogue should complete the quest.

Is that possible or would I have to put my dialogue in the "pipertalk" quest?


/// Okay, after a little trial and error and watching a few tutorials: This seems like a lot of work, but rather simple. I edited Piper's "your thoughts" dialogue to start another scene instead of the usual idle loops. No new Quest needed! Guess this would make the quest incompatible to any mod also altering her dialogue.

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  • 5 months later...

I know it's been a couple months since you first posted this, but I hope you've continued your work on it. Honestly, it's the dialogue of the companions that really makes the game for me. Hell, if Bethesda made a DLC of just expanded character/companion dialogue, I'd buy it. Look forward to seeing this on the Nexus one day. Good luck!


What you had planned to do I've seen done on the Skyrim Nexus. It's great, and really extends the interest that people could have with these great NPCs. Some of the examples I know are Serana and Lydia. I don't know much about how these things work, but perhaps trying to establish contact with the mod authors that made those would be beneficial?

Edited by DisplacerBeast8u
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