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Add Wendigo to the Commonwealth


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So after playing a game that had Wendigo in it I started having crazy ideas but I could never accomplish them because of lack of skill with creating models and all that good stuff, but it would be really nice to see a mythical creature like this in Fallout 4, the Fallout: NV mod Dust adds such creature to the game, I would like to see something like this: https://s32.postimg.org/7hn6jlbr9/Wendigo.jpg & https://s32.postimg.org/z6ozi8cit/Wendigo2.jpg& https://s31.postimg.org/qgry56fbf/Wendigo3.png & https://s32.postimg.org/tzfna78et/Wendigo_Face1.jpg


Those are from the game I played, I don't know if it would be possible for anyone to make them act like they do in the game but if you have you're own ideas go ahead, but in the game they are fast, they have super human strength, they have a tunnel vision and cant see their prey while it is standing still. Their skin acts as armor and deflects bullets but a shotgun will knock them back and down hard but will not kill them, Fire however will burn their skin off then bullets will kill them, fire can still kill them though, and explosions.


So what I'm thinking is they have extreme ballistic damage resistance but very low or no energy weapon damage resistance? Like i said if you have your own ideas go for it.





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