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New Animal Companion


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It's pretty sad that I have to carry dead fox with me, just to be my companion and it will be awesome if someone could direct me or just create a mod with new animal companion. I've personally would love to see a fox here. Right now my Czaruś (thats the dead fox name) is also my helpful infinite bag, so if this companion would have a bag, or a backpack on his body it would be even more awesome.


I wrote that this new companion could be fox, bear, duck but there are tons of other great creatures models in Skyrim.


Looking forward for this.


Below Czaruś, me and some random people.


Edited by vojtas
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Do not operate with the English language very well, but I hope that everyone understands.


The idea in my opinion excellent. Skyrim is it to myself that quite often strives to bring us into overload, and a very mod would facilitate me and many other players would game. Therefore, I join the request of the founder topic. I hope that someone will create such a mod, and no longer will have to mistreat the animals, and the bother of wearing them to each site.

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