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Can't Uninstall Unofficial Dragonborn Patch?


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As stated - the Unofficial Dragonborn Patch still shows up as a plugin in NMM, but when I go to my mod list it doesn't show up. It's throwing off LOOT as well.


Any thoughts on how to get rid of it? It's already disabled in favor of the legendary edition patch. I've already tried re-downloading and deleting it.



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  • close NMM.
  • Go in C:\games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods and delete the archive. See also in \cache and other folders.
  • Start NMM and try to remove what remains.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the pointer. Unofficial Dragonborn Patch is not in any of these directories.


I suppose it's possible I downloaded it via steam workshop, but I did manually uninstall it there, as well, and it doesn't show up in any of my Skyrim folders on my computer that I'm aware of.

Edited by XanRules
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